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Sugih's Story

We want to celebrate Sugih, one of our awesome personal trainers. She helps people in our community by empowering them to make healthy choices in the areas of nutrition and fitness. She is a ray of sunshine, and we are fortunate to have her in our midst.

Sugih was born in Indonesia, and she moved to the United States in 1996. She came from a hospitality / hotel background and used to work a lot of hours. She realized that she had to take care of herself to be able to care for her loved ones. She wanted to be healthier in order to have more energy, be more positive, feel stronger, and have a better mindset.

Sugih started weightlifting in 2000, and she fell in love with it. It has been her passion ever since. Another passion Sugih has is training and coaching people. Sugih loves connecting with her clients and students, and her dream is to see everybody healthy and happy. Her mission is to empower her clients with knowledge about their body, workout, balanced eating, and living a balanced lifestyle. She customizes workout programs to suit each of her client’s needs and limitations. She gives her best to all of her clients and students, so that they can be happy and pass on happiness to those around them.

The advice Sugih wants to give to people who are pursuing fitness is to be consistent in their workout and balanced in their eating / nutrition. For Sugih, a balanced diet is enough protein, fat, and carbs; there is no magic recipe.

Sugih started training at the Lord’s Gym in 2014. She loves the friendly and clean environment here, as well as the complete equipment set. She has a great relationship with the management of LG, and she said she is treated with respect. Her personal goal is to be better than yesterday, and achieve Pro Card in Bikini Competition one day.

Sugih said she is very happy. She loves her job, and she feels blessed to have the best job in the world. Sugih is happily married and has a son who joined the Marines. While being a successful and well-loved personal trainer / fitness instructor, Sugih is also very family oriented and very proud of her family.

“No Will, No Gain. Give your best to get the best.

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